DOMFIL and LiUPhD are the official student associations for research-level students at
Linköping University.
Both work to provide a safe and socially inclusive academic environment.
Join your doctoral association

About LiUPhD
We are the association (sektion) for doctoral students at Linköping University and receive funding from the student unions (studentkår) LinTek and Stuff. We act as the PhD student faculty council (doktorandråd för fakultet) for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Linköping University.
Our aim is to provide a platform for PhD students to connect across departments, to improve the overall research conditions for doctoral candidates and to attend to issues that are relevant to the PhD education.
We actively work on:
- PhD representation and PhD student matters (such as a doktorandombud, prolongation for Covid-19 pandemic delays, and internationally recognized digital diplomas)
- Creating a common platform for debate and information exchange across departments
- Increasing the dialogue with different representatives at the university
- Organizing social activities for PhD students
- Organizing presentations and guest lectures
- Improving the course evaluation system for PhD courses at the university

DOMFIL is the post-grad section within Consensus which in turn is the student union organising all students at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Linköping University. On these pages we gather information and material that may be useful for PhD-students and licentiate students active within the faculty, as well as activities organised by DOMFIL.
Some of the main activities of DOMFIL are listed below, but we also want your opinion on what DOMFIL should be!
- Overseeing the quality of the doctoral studies given at the faculty of Health Sciences at Linköping University
- Appointing representatives that participate in boards and committees within the university.
- Looking after social needs and promoting unity amongst post-grad students.
- Arranging academic events, such as “HU Research Symposium”.
- Arranging social events, for example, a Nobel Prize party.